A deep look at balcony designs

We’ve known about the value of having external space at home for a long time. In fact, it is mandatory on most projects, especially in big cities. We saw the importance even more during the covid pandemic; it was an easier time for people who could enjoy the outdoors by stepping into the garden or on to a balcony. We want to focus specifically on the latter today and what you can do in terms of designs. Then, if you want help with residential architecture in London, you can talk to us. Continue reading

The evolution of the UK’s housing model

At Coffey Architects, we love that homes come in different shapes and sizes. If you look at residential architecture in London for example, you can see how diverse housing is. You can find practically every type of home in the city, from apartments to mansions, houseboats to cottages. We’d love to help clients looking to create them or make changes to improve their properties. Continue reading