Should you create an upside down house?

When you imagine the layout of a home what do you picture? It is probably living space on the ground floor and bedrooms on the upper ones. You don’t need to stick to this traditional choice though. Instead you could create an upside down house and enjoy some great benefits. We want to have a closer look at them today. Then if you need help with residential architecture in London, you can speak to us. Continue reading

Does my home have less value without a bath?

When they want to build new residential architecture, London residents mainly aim to stand out. To do so, they must do unique things when it comes to the design, shape, scale, orientation, and material choice. The goal here should be to ensure the new property looks great and reflects your sense of style. However, you must also think about how it fits into the area. Never go too bold if there is a risk you won’t get permission. Continue reading

What should I think about when building a garage?

City environments like London can make it a challenge to build something new. It’s the same if you are planning to work on an existing property. Thankfully, ours is a business with years of experience operating here. In fact, people consider us to be the top company specialising in residential architecture in London. So, you can rely on us to find creative solutions. Continue reading