Planning your electrical outlets

Something you must think about when building a new home is how many electrical outlets you’ll need. It might seem like a small detail at first. Over time though, there will be problems if there aren’t enough outlets. It’s necessary to assess your needs ahead of time so the property can satisfy them. This also ensures better electrical safety. We want to offer some advice here, then you can come to us for help with residential architecture in London. Continue reading

MMC and sustainability

Architects have a fantastic opportunity to help achieve sustainability goals. We can use different techniques like MMC to produce buildings that are energy efficient while still serving the needs of the end users. This includes homes as well as public buildings, offices, and more. As a leading provider of residential architecture in London, we want to have a closer look at MMC and how it can make things more sustainable. Continue reading

What choices are there for double glazing glass?

There are many forms of architecture present in London. That is one of its most attractive features. We are a team of architects that has added some great properties to this wonderful city. People come to us when they want to create something special. They do so because we are an award winning specialist that excels with residential architecture in London. Continue reading