Make the smart design choices

When it comes to residential architecture London has no firm working in the area that is superior to ours. Clients can expect to do business with a team of creative individuals. Each building we create is functional and will meet your long term needs.

There is one element of residential architecture that is very challenging. It isn’t fashioning the design for a beautiful custom home however. Instead, it is managing the expectations of the client while keeping within their budget. For this to happen, you must make smart design choices at the right times. You can also avoid potential errors and unexpected costs this way.

Think about siting

Something you can do is consider building siting prior to the start of construction. A house’s position needs to be a vital part of the design. This is for both energy efficiency and comfort reasons.

One thing to think about is the effects of passive solar design. Siting a house so that most of the windows point south shall absorb the low winter sun’s warmth. It will circumvent the worst heat gains. This can help reduce cooling costs.

However, siting can influence your approach to interior lighting as well. Consider how you can benefit from natural light in parts of the property that get the most use.

End of project costs

Remember the end of project costs too. These are easy to overlook. After all, the primary goal here is to construct a custom home that is functional and appealing. Don’t forget that landscaping after the project’s completion is vital to making the property look finished. Final grading is as well. Construction site cleanup is another one. You should plan for these so that you don’t exceed your budget.

At Coffey Architects, we can assist you with making the smarter design choices if you are struggling. It doesn’t matter how big or small the project is. We shall find a solution that is appropriate for you.

If you would like help from the foremost company working in residential architecture London has, please contact us. You can also view some of our designs on our website.