In order to attract buyers, houses must be viable in addition to good looking. This is a fact we know all too well. After all, we’re the top business working in residential architecture London has. Without proper functionality, they won’t succeed in meeting the owners’ long term needs. Fortunately, we have plenty of solutions to offer. We can use them to help you meet the specifications.
Erecting their own house is something lots of people dream of. The possibility to design and build our home from the ground up the way we want to is enticing. However, London has high land values due to the demands and shortage of space. Since this is the case, people often wonder how they can buy a plot. We suggest that you look for the following spots. They could offer the space you are looking for.
Derelict properties
Try and spot some derelict buildings. A common assumption with people looking for land is that it’ll be bare. In London though, regeneration is popular. Buildings get demolished, and denser, taller, and newer variants pop up in their place. If you spot a decrepit building, you may have also found the land you require.
You should look out for underdeveloped buildings as well. These are similar to derelict structures in the sense that people overlook them. This may be because they are currently too small or potential obstacles are in place. That does not mean redevelopment is impossible. There is something you’ll need to do before you can gain planning permission though. You must determine what impact your new build will have on the local area.
At Coffey Architects, we can help you in acquiring planning permission for your projects. Furthermore, we can advise you on where you should look for land. There are always plenty of opportunities, it’s just knowing where to look and seeing the potential.
We’re always looking to assist those who are stuck. If there’s anything you need the best team for residential architecture London has to do for you, please get in touch. We will discuss your plans and arrange a consultation.