A lot of people consider extending their property but hesitate about starting the project. You have to commit if you want to make an investment this big, but with a good design you won’t regret it. An extension can enhance your property and your life. If you have an interest in extensions, you should reach out to experts in residential architecture London trusts, like Coffey Architects.
Cheaper Than Moving
Deciding to move to a new home involves a lot of expenses, stress, and time. While you will be able to live somewhere with more space, the process incurs a lot of fees. These come from not only selling the house but also moving and redecorating the new space. A more cost effective option is to look into an extension. This enables you to create a new space that is unique to you without the high costs that come with a move.
Higher Home Value
You might not have any plans to do so at the moment but, if you sell your home in the future, an extension can help. If you extend it will create more floorspace and the property will have a higher value. It can also attract more potential buyers. Be sure to look into what style of architectural design would work best with your existing property. This will result in a design that fits in and adds value.
Modernise Old Properties
Some period properties don’t get a lot of natural light. With an extension however, you can make the interior brighter and more inviting. You can also feel closer to nature with a modern addition that allows you to admire your garden and view.
Increase Available Space
The most obvious reason to extend your home is to create additional space. This can be incredible for growing families and changing needs. In fact, the majority of people would love to have more space. This could be for an office, living space, extra bathroom, larger kitchen, or one of many other possibilities.
Ours is the firm for commercial and residential architecture London knows for its superb standards of work. Coffey Architects has successfully completed numerous projects and has won several awards. You could join the clients who benefit from our leading services when you reach out to us.