What are cluster units

When you create a home it is essential to have a plan. It can be difficult to come up with this on your own however. You don’t have to worry though, because we’re here to assist you. Our team can work alongside you to develop blueprints that’ll meet your requirements. We are one of the top names for residential architecture London has to offer, so have confidence in us.

Houses can either be cluster units or stand alone. The former are homes that share walls. With the latter, houses are completely individual. Prior to moving forward with your designs, it’s crucial to examine them. Specifically, we’ll be focusing on clusters here.

Design options

With cluster units, there are many possibilities. Row housing is one of them. These units share walls and preserve room via a horizontal focus.

There are several main styles of row housing units. The most customary style is simple row units. Here, every unit shares two side walls with a connecting unit. At the same time, the back and front walls are open to the garden or street. Normally, the units are either very similar to or the same as back-to-back row housing. They share back walls in addition to side ones.

High-rise buildings

Next, we have high-rise structures. They save free space vertically as opposed to row housing’s horizontal approach. In these buildings, you construct family units on top of and directly beside one another. The quantity of room saved here is proportional to the amount of units you stack on top of one another. Merging row housing and high-rise buildings is what we call stacked terrace housing.

At Coffey Architects, we love to think big when it comes to projects. Despite this, we don’t neglect the details at any point. We test each idea until it breaks and communicate every concept clearly. Our focus the whole way is to create home that people will love.

If you would like to do business with us, please contact our firm. You can also visit our website to see some of the work we have done. We are sure you’ll see why we are one of the top names for residential architecture London has to offer. Each design is unique and we are very proud of them.