Category Archives: Blog Entry

What type of house is most common in London?

If you look at it on the surface the residential architecture London has is very diverse. However, look a little closer and you will notice a number of trends. While modern apartments may be more popular these days, the style of home that categorises the city the most is the row house. You can see these terraces across the city and they have a very similar layout. Most people refer to this as the “two up, two down”. Continue reading

How to choose the right glass roofing

More and more people are looking at glass roofing for their homes. It is a great alternative to a solid roof because it can offer lots of benefits. There are also several different options so you can choose the right one for you. If you are thinking about a glass roof, talk to one of the best designers of residential architecture London has. Coffey Architects can help you choose the right elements for every part of your home. Continue reading