Category Archives: Blog Entry

A traditional style home can be a great idea

Residential architecture LondonWe provide a comprehensive array of architectural services to meet the needs of each client. This is something we need to do as requirements have become more complex in time. For instance, some will want us to help produce the most modern residential architecture London can offer. It could feature all kinds of new tech and materials. However, others prefer a traditional style home. It all comes down to choice and taste. Continue reading

The significance of social housing

Residential architecture LondonHousing comes in all shapes and sizes. Look at any city in the UK and you can get a good idea of this. You may see everything from blocks of luxury apartments to large family homes or even narrow houses. If you look closer, you can also see private homes as well as social housing. At Coffey Architects, we have the skills to create any kind of home. This is why we are the foremost company working in residential architecture London has. Continue reading