Author Archives: Stephen Hall

The appeal behind the tiny house movement

In this age, people spend a lot of their lives accumulating possessions. This can result in a lot of clutter and if you are not careful, spaces will look poor. Cluttered rooms can even have a negative effect on your health. Trying to combat this is the tiny house movement. It is something we are familiar with through our work on residential architecture in London. Smaller houses can be very cosy and result in less space for clutter. Continue reading

Utility rooms are not what they used to be

What’s brilliant about the architectural industry is that you can never predict what style of property will become popular next. Tastes change and there are new ideas all the time. Luckily, we are the most creative provider of residential architecture London has to give. Therefore, we work to meet all of the requirements of our clients. This is regardless of how distinct they are from the rest. Continue reading