Important things to consider with infill developments

Building on an infill site offers many interesting advantages. Most importantly you are investing in a site in a neighbourhood that is already established. That means there could already be an array of amenities to enjoy. Plus, you can jump straight into a community. But, there is a lot to think about before you commit. As one of the leading names for residential architecture London has, we want to take a closer look at this.

Location is everything

As we said above, the big advantage here is you can build your home in an area that is already a great location. This can offer advantages over choosing a new estate or development that may be lacking in amenities and community assets. But this can also add to the value of the site. It could mean you need to pay more for the plot than you would have to elsewhere. You should look at the prices and decide which offers the most value to you.

Why is it vacant?

Some infill sites are vacant simply because of a change in use. However, there are other times when they are empty because of more negative reasons. For example it could be that the plot was not developed because it is too close to bad sights, smells, or sounds. It could also be that the piece of land is unstable or prone to flooding. It is important to ask why it is vacant so you know exactly what you are in for.


Residential architecture LondonThe greatest thing about residential architecture in London is the array of styles. When you build your own home you can get the design how you want it. However, you don’t have completely free reign with infill sites. What you need to keep in mind is these areas will have a specific character. You may find you need to design so your home fits in with it. That is especially true if it is a conservation area. Even if you do have freedom to do what you please, your home may have less resale value if it sticks out like a sore thumb.

You also need to think about the size and orientation here. With infills it is likely you will be building close to other buildings. You don’t want your home to tower over them or give your neighbours views straight into your home. You may need to tone your design down, be more modest, and think carefully about where to have openings like windows.


Ideally your infill will be in a location where you will have wonderful neighbours and can join the community. However, there is no guarantee that will happen. It could go the other way, especially if you anger them during the building stage. There may also be community rules to follow. You should do your homework, consider your potential neighbours and even think about speaking to them before you start building.

Delivering quality residential architecture in London

Coffey Architects is a leading team with a passion for great design. We look to deliver the most amazing buildings every time. While working in London we have had a lot of experience with infills. They are common in the city because of the history of developments and lack of new space. Our team can work with them and offer first rate solutions.

So, if you want to work with one of the most recognisable names for residential architecture London has, speak to us. We can design properties to suit any area and will advise you about all the vital details like size.