New rules for house extensions

Coffey Architects has the skills to design a house extension that will complement the building and the area. In fact we have created some of the most impressive residential architecture London can offer. You can view some of our stunning designs on our website. If you are thinking about this kind of project, rely on us.

Temporary rights become permanent

Planning requirements can change every now and again. As a result architects have to stay up to date with the law.

In 2014 temporary permitted development rules made it easier for people to add an extension to their home. With the rights they could build a 6 metre long single storey addition to a semi-detached or terrace house. A longer 8 metre extension could be added to a detached home.

In response to the temporary rules more than 110,000 extensions were completed. The relaxation of the policy meant that people did not have to go through the arduous process of preparing planning documents and waiting for a decision whether to approve the plan. As a result projects that could take three to four months just for planning approval could progress much faster.

Opinions on the temporary rights differ, but the Government supports them. In fact, at the end of May 2019 they chose to make them permanent. As a result the policy will stay and homeowners don’t need to worry and rush the development.

Other planning rules

In addition to making rules on extensions permanent, the Government is looking at easing planning rules on rooftop extensions and demolishing offices to create homes. All the focus is on finding more ways to create more homes.

If you are looking to extend your home Coffey Architects can help. We focus on creating a wonderful design that will improve the property in several ways, from overall aesthetics to the amount of living space. We create some of the very best residential architecture London has seen so you can expect the same.

To find out more about working with us or planning requirements, please get in touch.