Coffey Architects creates stunning homes that people love. Our goal is to enrich the residential architecture London is home to. We do this by always working to expand our skills and contribute new ideas to projects. More importantly, we offer the best level of service for every client. There are a number of planning policies that split opinion. One of the most controversial in recent years is the rules for office to resi conversions. In 2013 the Conservative Government said they would relax the rules so that people did not need permission for office to resi conversions. As a result there have been a number of projects across the UK. Since 2015 offices have become 42,000 homes. Some support the PDRs because the permitted development rights make it easier to covert offices into new homes. Others speak out against the tendency to create small homes and their quality.
The Government is considering expanding PDRs even further. One thing they are looking at is allowing office buildings to be demolished and replaced with new build homes without full permission.
The Labour Party, Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), and RIBA are against this move. In fact Labour would like to remove the rights altogether, meaning that developers would have to get planning permission for an office to resi conversion. The future of the UK Government could shape what happens to these PDRs. If the Conservatives remain in power the expansion of the rights could go ahead. On the other hand, if Labour wins they may choose to proceed with removing them. Whatever happens, it could bring big changes to the architectural field. At Coffey Architects we will be keeping an eye on this topic so we know exactly where we stand in terms of PDRs. This is important to ensuring that we follow the regulations and manage projects to a high standard. If you are planning a project and want to work with a team that consistently creates residential architecture London clients love, contact us.