Building homes while preserving trees

Creating more housing while also working to protect the natural environment is very difficult. One of the saddest things is to see greenery like mature or ancient trees lost to make way for developments. However, there are a number of projects around the world that show this doesn’t have to be the case. Let’s have a closer look, then you can talk to us if you need residential architecture in London.

A new twist

One of the most famous principles in architecture is Louis Sullivan’s idea that “form follows function”. His belief was the starting point for any property should be to look at the purpose. It should be the focus, with the design following.

However, when considering trees and the natural environment, it is a good idea to twist the principle a little. A more effective strategy in this sense is to ensure “form follows the existing”. So, architects and developers should look at the site and then design respectfully to integrate the building into the setting.

Ways to do it

Residential architecture LondonThe fantastic thing about designing buildings is there are so many different ways to accomplish any kind of goal. That is true whether it is residential architecture in London or elsewhere in the world. It is definitely the case if the idea is to preserve trees. For example, designs could ensure structures twist to fit around them. Or, there could be modulation or cut-outs. A design could make the trees a prominent feature. This can even provide a number of crucial benefits, such as natural shading and more efficient regulation of temperatures.

One of the easiest options is to simply build between the trees. You can carefully calculate how much space there is and then decide the exact dimensions of the property.

Or, you could do the opposite and build the home around the trees. A good way to do that is to design an internal courtyard. It can create nice green space at the heart of the property and retain the trees.

Cut-outs are a really interesting idea. What you do is design a typical building but remove pieces to accommodate the trees. It makes it feel like the property has sprung up around them.

Cartesian modulations are another creative option. Buildings don’t need to be all angles and straight lines. In fact, curves are likely to be very popular in 2025. Modulations go a step further, designing homes that are like waves. You can use this idea to work around trees, creating curving facades. It is a fantastic way to integrate the building into the landscape.

Do you need help with residential architecture in London?

Coffey Architects is a great company to work with if you want to get the perfect form for any building. We are creative and flexible with designs. So, if you want to find a way to work around mature trees on a site, we can do it.

Get in touch with us to create amazing residential architecture in London and other locations. We can provide the perfect service for any needs.